Monday, June 14, 2010


Zanna the accomplished pianist...She was having a blast reaching as far as she could on the keys, and Daddy snuck a picture of her cute little piggy-toes hanging off the piano bench too.
So sweet! I hope she loves playing the piano as much as I do... it can be such a joy!

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Monday, June 7, 2010

Me and My Animal Friends....

Zanna wanted to know what her animals felt like living in their basket, so she joined them. First, she took every single one out, and then got in the basket herself, and then wanted Mommy to put every animal on top of her... and then, we repeated the nauseum :) Pretty funny.

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Bakin' with Aunt Stevie!

Aunt Stevie came to visit a few weeks ago, and she and Zanna baked an angelfood cake together! Aunt Stevie is quite a good baker and Zanna had lots of fun learning from her! Bon Appetit!

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